When you were in elementary school, you probably heard the phrase “put on your thinking caps” quite often.

Although you might feel offended if someone said this to you as an adult you need to be able to sit down and analyze the problem and find a solution.

Critical thinking is an essential skill in life and at work.

We are all heavily invested in social media today. Because we consume a lot of data every day, having the ability to process it is vital.

There are many jobs that are similar, so hiring managers appreciate someone who can quickly solve a problem or find ways to increase productivity.

A resume maker will allow you to use your critical thinking skills in a way that impresses a hiring manager.

This guide will help you understand critical thinking, how it can be used in job applications, and some examples of critical thinking skills.

What is Critical Thinking?

Critical thinking is a method of analysing data which helps you solve problems and take good decisions.

Critical thinking is about analyzing information and evaluating the validity of your ideas, opinions and conclusions.

This skill allows you to analyze your thoughts and decide if they are valid.

You will have the ability to think critically and make better decisions .

Critical thinkers use evidence from research or experience to support or refute ideas, rather than simply accepting them as they are.

Critical thinkers don’t blindly accept claims just because they are made by someone; rather, they assess whether these claims might be true based upon the evidence (or should I say “online”) available.

They think about why they believe what they believe. Are there other ways to look at this situation?

Is this argument valid when viewed from multiple perspectives simultaneously?

Are there any reasons why someone might lie about these facts or is it just plain wrong?

You can use critical thinking to determine truth and correct answer. It means you will be able to ask the right question and to analyze the solutions .

These skills are useful for employees in a variety of job roles and professions.

Hiring managers love to see candidates who can use critical thinking in the workplace when discussing critical thinking.

You can see resume samples to get an idea of how to present your skills to potential employers.

How to be a critical thinker

You can become more critical thinker. This skill can be acquired and improved over time.

It is not something you are born with, but rather, it is a process of evaluation you can improve over the years.

You will need patience, of course! This is an important part of learning how you can be a better thinker.

It is possible to have difficulty understanding the concept at first. There are no shortcuts!

It may be difficult to become a natural at something, but you can persevere. Many people who are trying to improve their analytical thinking feel frustrated when they start to learn new skills.

You will see the results of your hard work over time as once-difficult tasks seem to become more manageable until everything falls into place and makes sense. Practice makes perfect

Below are steps you should follow to develop your critical thinking skills.

Steps to Critical Thinking

Thinking critically requires a process. These steps will help you solve your problem.

This is particularly important when working. You will be able complete any task your employer assigns you if you take the correct steps one by one.

This is what you should do if you want to use your critical thinking skills in solving a problem.

  1. Identify the problem or dilemma. Be as specific as you can and determine why it exists. This will make it easier to solve the problem.
  2. Get details or data. Find stats and information from different sources that relate to the problem you’re trying to solve.
  3. Go through the data. Make sure you review the information, organize it and ensure it comes from a reliable source.
  4. Sort the data. List the information from the most relevant to the least.
  5. Find solutions to the problem. Test different solutions and then review the results.
  6. Analyze the possible solutions that you have discovered: Examine the results.
  7. Enhance your work: Learn how to improve your test results.
  8. Select your answer and communicatee. Once you have solved the problem, you will need to present it to your manager and team.

These steps will help you to find a reasonable solutionto any task that you are assigned at work and resolve any problems your company may be facing.

Employers will quickly call you if you have examples that show you used this process.

Make sure to use a template for your resume so that you don’t make any mistakes when presenting your critical thinking skills in your job application.

Why is critical thinking so important?

Any professional can benefit from critical thinking.

It is essential for the development of effective strategies, making smart decisions, and solving any problems an individual or company might face.

You can use critical thinking to find a better solution to a problem.

It is essential for your work life .

To determine what information is true or false, you should look at the information from news sources like social media.

It’s a great skill to have if you want a better way of thinking.

Critical thinking allows us to view things from multiple perspectives , which allows us to find solutions that work in the best interest of everyone involved in an issue.

This allows people to come together and work out differences on important issues.

This allows you to share data and information with people you know so you can come up with the best solution for a particular problem.

Applying this logic to work makes it much easier to complete tasks in a group or alone.

How to include critical thinking in your resume

Place your problem-solving and critical thinking skills on a resume to validate them to a hiring manager.

But, there is a chance that your job application will be rejected if you use the wrong Resume format.

Here are some things you can do to make your critical thinking skills shine on your resume:

  • List your skills.
  • Please describe how your skills were used in a previous job.
  • Describe the problem you encountered and explain how you solved it.

You can add these critical thinking skills to your resume:

  • Communication
  • Observation
  • Analyse
  • Problem-solving

You must not only list your problem-solving, critical thinking, and analytical skills but also support your list with real examples.

Here are some examples of what to put on your resume.

It’s a mistake

“I always chose the best treatment for my patients when I was a nurse”

This case shows that treatment was the solution. It does not describe how and why the solution was found.


“I reviewed the cases and determined the best treatment for the patient after reviewing the analysis. The rest of the medical team was then informed about my findings and logic.

This example shows that analysis was used to find a solution. The findings were then communicated to other employees.

These are all part of critical thinking and problem solving. A resume that includes an example such as this will impress a hiring manager.

It’s a mistake

“Effectively dealt with customer complaints”

The resume of a customer service worker is an example of a person who has missing important information.

This does not indicate how well they dealt with complaints or if there were any improvements.


“Studied customer survey responses to develop a better strategy to deal with customer complaints.”

This is a great way to describe what you did at your previous job. This shows that you were able to solve problems and create a solution that increased productivity.

A description similar to this will catch the attention of a hiring manager.

Example of Critical Thinking During an Interview

You will almost always be invited for a job interview if you correctly format your resume and cover letters .

It will be crucial that you know what to say when the time comes to demonstrate your critical thinking skills.

It is important to be prepared for any questions that may arise during an interview.

These are common interview questions that will test you critical thinking skills.

Question : Please describe a time when you first realized that there was a problem, and how you solved it.

Answer to: “ Our group had to meet a new deadline in order to complete the creation of our product. I listed all the tasks and ranked them according to priority. Then, I communicated with the group about who would complete each task. The new deadline was met with our product.

This example illustrates both problem solving and evaluation when faced with a problem.

Question Please describe a situation in which you were able to convince someone to follow your advice.

Answer to “The owner was certain that we were making enough money from our bike tours. I looked at our income and found that we had a 15% deficit. The presentation I created was based on customer survey results. It showed that we could increase revenue by changing our tour route.

This answer will demonstrate your analytical skills as well as your ability to communicate your findings.

These traits will make it very difficult for hiring managers to reject you if you have a resume that includes these qualities.

Top 5 Critical Thinking Skills

It is crucial to ask: What critical thinking skills do you need in the skill area section of your resume?

If you put your mind to it, you can probably think of examples of critical thinking in real life.

It would be great to include only skills that you use for the job in order to solve problems or increase productivity.

Understanding these skills will help you understand the expectations of a hiring manager for an employee who is a critical thinker.

This understanding will help you to write a great resume and get a job interview.

1. Observation Skills

An excellent observation skill is a must for any hiring manager. This skill allows you to quickly identify and solve a problem.

You can usually spot a problem before it becomes a problem for a company if your observation skills are strong enough.

2. Inference Skills

This skill involves taking the data and information that you have gathered, and then drawing a correct conclusion from that information.

Base answers on limited details . This talent can be utilized in many professional settings.

3. Analytical Skills

To be able to analyze situations well, you don’t have to be a scientist. To analyze a situation and find solutions for problems at work.

Managers love to hire people who are analytical, especially when it comes to team leaders.

4. Communication skills

Communication is key to any company. Communicating effectively with others is essential, whether you’re discussing data or solutions with your boss.

Listen and speak . Being a great critic thinker requires that you listen to others’ opinions.

5. Problem Solving Skills

This is perhaps the most important aspect of being a critical thinker. It doesn’t suffice to be able analyze data and information.

You must also be able to think of solutions. Employers want someone who can improve their company. Being a problem solver is a way to achieve this.

Improve your critical thinking skills

Some people are not naturally gifted in problem-solving and critical thinking. You can still improve upon what you have.

Since elementary school, we’ve had to learn how problem-solve.

Perhaps you feel rusty from being out of work for a while or you think you could do better. You can always improve your skills.

Here are some tips to help you improve your critical thinking skills.

  • Be open-minded Don’t jump to any conclusions. Be skeptical and question assumptions. Ask “Why?” and remain skeptical.
  • Be creative Don’t be afraid of thinking outside the box You can practice looking at problems from different angles by collecting evidence to support or refute an argument.
  • Use to organize your thoughts logically. Prioritize and build your thoughts. Then, write them down or speak them aloud.
  • Stay organized Avoid getting lost while explaining complex concepts.
  • Take into consideration multiple angles  Try different approaches until you find the best one.
  • Play games.Buy and borrow games that require critical thought, such as Sudoku and crosswords.
  • Read books  Learn different materials to enhance your critical thinking skills. They require you to critically analyze each chapter and article.

These are easy ways to improve your critical thinking skills. All these methods require patience.

It is unlikely that you will become a problem-solving genius overnight.

Although it will take some time, you will begin to see the results of your efforts in class, on a group assignment, or in other settings.

Categories: Career


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